Semalam ke Sepang. Ada short briefing kat akademi ni. Bukan daftar untuk jadi pramugari ye..(x layak pun...hehehehehe), tapi atas urusan kerja. Kalau ada rezeki, insyallah.....
Lepas briefing, kami dibawa melawat seluruh kawasan. Tengahari rembang...merelit panasnye...
Typical building...but as tranning centre banyak la aviation equipments. Yang best, menjamu mata melihat adik-adik pramugara & pramugari yang cun melecun. And the best part along the office tour, they wish and greet you with smiles.....tak lupa staff yang very friendly.

Wished their on board crew were as courteous :(
akk jd pilot la...
syed - implementation sometimes not exactly similar as what being teach, guideline is there, still as human...hmmmmm...tak ikhlas payah gak ek..
kswsk - alhamdullilah, we got the job, next round site inspection bole berangan dalam simulator...get the feel as a pilot. hehehehehehehe..
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